Mark Traphagen

Mark Traphagen

Mark Traphagen is VP of Product Marketing and Training for seoClarity, a leading enterprise SaaS SEO platform. Mark is a sought-after speaker and writer on the topics of SEO, social media and content marketing.

Customer experience

Tweet And Repeat: The Power Of Sharing And Sharing Again

Rinse and repeat. Those words have become a meme in American culture. Where did they come from. I’m betting you know! That’s right. “Rinse and repeat,” the familiar instructions on almost every bottle of shampoo sold in the U.S. since… well, probably since shampoo has been sold. Even though we suspect that instruction might be […]

Performance marketing

Why Google Plus Will Not Die (But May Change)

Last week’s announcement that Google+ founding father Vic Gundotra has left Google opened the door to a rash of speculation about the future of Google’s biggest venture into social media. The idea that Google+ might be dying started with a TechCrunch post that included statements from a few anonymous sources declaring Google+ to be “walking dead” […]

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